Monday, March 18, 2013

"Has Ireland defeated me ---- so soon ?"
"Not Ireland ---- but your own false dreams."
"I am not dreaming", he cried. "I am awake.....too wide awake."

"Ah, but you are dreaming." Her voice was sad. 

"But it is forgivable ---- because the reality is so cruel. 
You dream  of a people.....of a world.....working towards its own redemption....And what is the truth? The truth is man against against himself....a chaotic mixture of blood and fear, of greed and lust, of the pettiness that is so much less, so much more evil than the greater wickedness.....And beneath all this, a strange hope, a strange love, a strange nobility that is the leaven of humanity". Her voice grew stronger. "I think you have almost come to hate Ireland....because you love her....You see what she is....and know what she can be......And I can only say to you,

Have Faith."

"Faith is not enough for me....I must have deeds."

"Then fight."

---- "Dead Star's Light" by Elizabeth Connor

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