Monday, May 16, 2011

Radio Rebel Gael Remembers The Heroes of 81'



RADIO REBEL GAEL’s Tribute To The Brave Ten



FEAT. New Music by Bluestack (from their new CD, “Not Without A Fight!”),  Bogside Savages (from their latest release “Celtic Till We Die” !!), Jun Tzu from his stormer, “Belfast Baby”! ), Ciaran Murphy (from his new CD, “When We Take Control” !),  Auld Corn Brigade (from their new CD, “A Fighter’s Lullabies”), The Druids (from their debut CD, “Starry Plough”!), The Rebel Hearts (from their “Our Fight For Freedom” CD), and Mary Courtney (from her CD release, “Sceil Eile (Another Story)” ,

And tons of Irish Rebel classics by Ray Collins, The Irish Brigade, The Fisticuffs, Claymore, Wolf Hound, Frank Mc Caffrey, Bogside Volunteers, Neck, Eire Og, Ann Broley, The Prodigals, Christy Moore, and Terry O’Neill !

As always, RADIO REBEL GAEL is a free public service for all working class people, no matter their nationality, religion, or race, so spread the word, and anyone who wishes to contribute their own music, has a friend who would like to feature their music on Radio Rebel Gael, contact me at my email address, forward all constructive criticism, compliments, requests, hate mail, love letters or death threats to :

- Rory Dubhdara, Radio Rebel Gael

They won't break me because the desire for freedom, and the freedom of the Irish people, is in my heart. The day will dawn when all the people of Ireland will have the desire for freedom to show. It is then we'll see the rising of the moon.

- Bobby Sands


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