RSF news - Republican Sinn Fein -
Press Release/Preas Ráiteas
Republican Sinn Féin
Teach Dáithí Ó Conaill,
223 Parnell Street
Dublin 1, Ireland
Sinn Féin Poblachtach
Teach Dáithí Ó Conaill,
223 Sráid Pharnell, BÁC 1, Éire
For further information contact:
Des Dalton:
President: 086-329 1809
Richard Walsh:
Publicity Officer: 00447835620592
Phone: +353-1-872 9747
Fax: +353-1-872 9757
For release
25ú Aibreán/April 2010
President of Republican Sinn Féin visits Maghaberry
Statement by the President of Republican Sinn Féin Des Dalton
Following a visit to Maghaberry prison the President of Republican Sinn Féin Des Dalton said that Republican prisoners were following in the footsteps of previous Irish Republicans in defending their right to political status. He was addressing a rally held by Republican Sinn Féin POW Department outside the jail.
“The Republican prisoners in Maghaberry are following in the tradition of Republicans throughout history who have defied all attempts to criminalise the cause of Irish freedom. The prisoners by their actions over Easter weekend have given the lie to those who claim there are no political prisoners in Ireland.
“Because of their stance they are now being denied basic human rights including 23-hour lock-up, denial of access to adequate medical care or food. The attempt to criminalise the prisoners has also been extended to their families and visitors. Drug dogs are being used to deny visits despite the fact that drugs have never been found on either a Republican prisoner or their visitors.
“The recent internment of long-time Republican Martin Corey shows that the nature of British rule never changes. Martin Corey is being held as a political hostage because he refuses to renounce his belief in the Irish people’s right to national freedom.
“Republican Sinn Féin is campaigning throughout Ireland to ensure the demands of the prisoners are heard.
“On May 29 Republicans will be marching in the Six Counties to rally support for the men in Maghaberry. In keeping with Republican principle no permission will be sought from the British state for this march.” Des Dalton said.
Republican Sinn
Head Office: 223 Parnell Street, Dublin 1, Ireland
Tel: 872 9747 Fax: 872 9757 e-mail:
Belfast Office: 229 Falls Road, Belfast, BT12 6FB, Co Antrim, Ireland.
Tel: 9031 9004 Fax: 9031 9863